frequently asked questions

Do You Accept Insurance?
Insurance Companies reimburse healthcare providers according to the average skill level within a specific medical discipline. Our expertise however, sets us far above the norm, resolving complex chronic issues quickly and without the need for “cracking”, medication or surgical procedures. We put patients first by offering the highest level of accuracy in diagnosing and delivering lasting relief from chronic pain through personalized care.

We do not directly participate with insurance companies for this reason. We understand that using your insurance benefits is important. That is why we are glad to make it easy for you to submit claims for reimbursement on your own.

How many visits are typically needed to see results?
In certain cases, results might manifest more rapidly in some patients than others. Patients typically start feeling results around 3-4 visits, but this does not mean that it's a complete resolution of your symptoms. We reassess progress at the beginning and end of each session to ensure that we're delivering results and you're feeling better.

Does Adhesion come back?
The short answer is, yes. But with modification, it comes back slower. Adhesions return due to the way we use our bodies in daily life. Your lifestyle and movement habits can contribute to their recurrence. We can work together to identify and address these factors, adapting your treatment plan to help minimize the chances of adhesion reformation.

Am I the right candidate for this type of treatment?
Many of our patients have the below in common:

-Have you been in pain or discomfort for 2 months or longer?
-Has the pain stayed the same and/or gotten worse?
-Have you tried treatment with a traditional Chiropractor, Physical Therapy or Medical Doctor that provided you with only little, temporary or relief at all?
-Are you still unsure of your diagnosis and where the pain is coming from?
-Do you find yourself stretching to try to relieve your symptoms?

If you answer YES to any or all of the questions above, then you are the right candidate. Unfortunately, if you are pushing through untreated chronic pain, you are degenerating over time. Let's stop that now before it gets any worse.

If you're Chiropractors, why don't you do adjustments?
As board certified Chiropractors, we began to notice that traditional joint manipulation and the standard treatment options were limiting in providing long lasting relief. It was apparent that we had to change our thinking about how we properly diagnose patients in order to give them the most effective treatment. Below are some other factors we began to consider that started to change our philosophy:

Patient Medical History: Certain medical conditions or individual health factors may contraindicate manual joint manipulation for some patients. These patients are often left with little options - until now.

Evidence-Based Practices: Integrative Diagnosis allows a more evidence-based approach to our practice, focusing on more well-established scientific support. While manual joint manipulation has shown benefits for certain conditions, we prefer evidence-based therapies with a longer lasting effect.

Safety Considerations: While manual joint manipulation is generally considered safe when performed by trained professionals, we choose to avoid it in certain situations where the risk of injury or adverse effects may be higher.